Sunday, May 10, 2020

Racial Profiling Is A Necessary Evil - 1100 Words

Racial Profiling In order to understand racial profiling, it must first be correctly defined. Although different authors use different criteria for the term racial profiling, the definition for the word racial is â€Å"of, relating to, or based on a race The definition the dictionary puts forth for profiling is â€Å"the act of suspecting or targeting a person solely on the basis of observed characteristics or behavior.† Based on these definitions, racial profiling could be defined for criminal justice purposes as targeting a person based solely on the characteristic of race. Most people, law enforcement officers included, would consider racial profiling based on this definition as ethically wrong. However, a case must be made for the use of profiling based on race in some circumstances. Racial profiling a sore topic when it comes to policing, it is a necessary evil. Racial profiling is a term used to describe the practice of targeting or stopping an individual based primarily on race or ethn icity, rather than on individualized suspicion or probable cause. It became particularly politicized in the late 1990s as police departments came under media and political scrutiny for disproportionately targeting minority drivers (Farrell, McDevitt, Cronin, and Pierce, 2003; Harris, 2002; Weitzer and Brunson, in press). Civil rights organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) launched national mediaShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling in Canada1166 Words   |  5 PagesRacial profiling is the act of selecting targets for criminal investigation not on behavioural merit, but exclusively on markers of personal identity such as race, ethnicity, and religious orientation (Perry, 2011, p.9). In other words, racial profiling is the by-product of subjecting individuals who are from a particular racial community to a higher degree of scrutiny and surveillance by criminal justice system agents when co mpared to other racial communities (Wortley and Owusu-Bempah, 2011, p.135)Read MoreRacial Profiling Is Necessary For The Police Force And Civilians Of These Areas1084 Words   |  5 Pagesto one side depending on the conditions. An example of this being racial profiling which, in the last few years has become a very touchy subject which most people can relate to in some way. Although people believe racial profiling is pure hate towards those of another race, many sources have shown minorities in certain areas have a high percentage of illegal weapons and drugs which is why in these areas racial profiling is necessary to protect the police force and civilians of these areas. 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Incorrectly using Darwins theory of evolution, the Social Darwinists believed that some species were morally superior to others, and even some races superior to others ADDIN EN.CITE Johnson200813(Johnson)13136Johnson, D.P.The Historical Background of Social DarwinismContemporary Sociological Theories2008New YorkSpringer ( HYPERLINK l _ENREF_4 o Johnson, 2008 #13 Johnson)Read MoreRacial Profiling : Hoods And Badges2061 Words   |  9 PagesDuChein Fox 6-29-15 2015SU-ENGL-1302-45402 Racial Profiling: Hoods and Badges Poughkeepsie, NY- An African- American professor at Vassar College, a predominantly white university, is sitting in his office with the door open. Other professors are in their office as well nearby. A campus security officer walks by the professor’s office and notices him. Shortly after, the campus officer requests to see the professor’s identification and papers that would verify his reasoning for being in that officeRead MoreRacial Profiling Is Wrong Or Wrong?1826 Words   |  8 Pages Racial profiling has been a touchy subject for United States citizens. Racial profiling has been around for quite some time in America and it more than often benefits the majority population (white America). More recently, the controversial topic has been brought to light. The debate over Racial Profiling topic is whether or not racial profiling is wrong or right. Multiple opinions from notable sources have been debating over this topic for decades. Some sources give reasons and examples in order

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